"Ad serving has been limited" - Do I need to do anything regarding this? How to Fix?

Ad serving has been limited

I got the "Ad serving has been limited" in my policies page after noticing my ads disappeared since 9th. I run targeted Facebook ads and get droplets of search engine visits. I'm not sure why the ad serving was limited. Also, since it's already limited, do I do anything? And how long before they verify my traffic source? Any help would be appreciated.

Here's the details in my Adsense:

The number of ads you can show has been limited


Ad serving on your account is currently being limited due to invalid traffic concerns. We’ll automatically review and update this limit as we continue to monitor your traffic.

What You Can Do

Make sure you understand your ad traffic and site visitors. Never click on your own ads, and avoid partnering with untrusted or low-quality parties.

How to Fix Ad Serving has Been Limited 

Focus on Google Traffic if You Take Google Traffic than this Problem Solve. Don't take Risk  don't take social media traffic

Google says social traffic is your own traffic recently in us 500+ account band because of social traffic disconnect all your social link immediately. Thank You

Ad Serving Has Been Limited Fix

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